Burning precious woods and resins has long been a traditional method of spreading botanical aroma. Deeply intertwined with cultural traditions throughout history, incense has for millennia assisted in divine worship, sending prayer to the heavens in the form of infused smoke, as well as in the practices of medicine, perfumery, and cleansing rituals. To burn incense is to make an offering of love, care, and gratitude, communicating not only our good intentions but our connection to the world that surrounds us.

wood . resin . herbs
Carefully ignite clean burning charcoal over a hot flame using a heat-resistant utensil until the corners and edges of the briquette glow red.
Place the charcoal inside an incense burner and top it with a small piece of the aromatic wood, resin, or herb of your choice.
More fragrant smoke will be produced by placing a larger piece of incense on the smoldering ember.

sticks . leaves . wood
Smudging is the simple practice of burning botanical material to energetically cleanse a space and invite positive energy. The smoke fills and purifies the environment infused with the intention of the holder.
Hold your loose leaf herb or wood on one end and carefully light the tip.
Allow the flame to burn only momentarily before extinguishing, allowing smoke to emit from the incense as you move through the space you intend to anoint.
When finished simply place incense in a heat-resistant container to cool.
[alternatively an aromatic leaf or wood stick can be placed atop lit charcoal and will continuously burn as incense.]
A word of caution:
Always practice attentivness when working with hot charcoal and an open flame. Never leave burning incense or hot charcoal unattended. Take special care if using when children and pets are present.